Explore and Experience:
New Program Models That Tie The Real-World To The Classroom

Thursday, April 4 ● 1h
11.30am ET  ● 10.30am CT ● 8.30am PT 

How can Colleges of Business expand access to career-tethered, real-world experiences and scale their resources, connections, and impact to students across campus?

Join Caryn Beck-Dudley (former President & CEO of AACSB) as she moderates a panel webinar discussion with business school and industry leaders to discuss career-readiness and experiential learning.

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Join us live on Thursday, April 4th!


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About the Session

The number of Google searches for the phrase “is college worth it” has more than doubled since this year’s graduating seniors started college. With the rising cost of college, it’s not surprising that more students and parents are questioning the ROI of a 4-year degree.

Business Schools have long understood that the key to a positive ROI on a college investment is landing a resume-boosting internship that leads to a great job offer. However, internship opportunities are tailored to Juniors & Seniors, leaving first and second year students without for-credit experiential learning opportunities that allow them to explore various career paths. For the ambitious college student, the national internship landscape is competitive and restrictive; with less than half of college graduates completing an internship by graduation.  

So how can Colleges of Business expand access to career-tethered, real-world experiences and scale their resources, connections, and impact to students across campus? 

Join Caryn Beck-Dudley (former President & CEO of AACSB) on Thursday, April 4th for a panel webinar with business school and industry leaders to discuss career-readiness and experiential learning. 

In this session we’ll cover: 

  • Why hands-on, career-focused experiences are important to closing the college to career gap
  • How institutions think about experiential learning programs & leverage them on campus
  • The broader role and responsibility of the College of Business in fostering career-readiness across campus

The webinar will conclude with an open-forum Q&A session, so please bring any questions along with you. If you can’t make the live webinar, make sure you register to receive a recording. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Join the discussion ➡

Meet the Speakers

Caryn Beck-Dudley, J.D.

Higher Education Consultant | Former President & CEO of AACSB

Caryn Beck-Dudley is a recognized advocate for disruption in higher education and collaborates with leaders to reimagine how higher education can better serve future workforce needs.

Before her retirement in May 2023, she served as the president and CEO of AACSB, a position she held since June 2020. Beck-Dudley was also the seventh dean of the Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business where she served beginning in August 2015.

She is an established scholar in employment law and the design of ethical organizations, having previously held the position of dean at both the Florida State University - College of Business and the Utah State University - Jon M. Huntsman School of Business.

Connect with Caryn on LinkedIn

Laurie A. Miller, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum, College of Business (University of Nebraska Lincoln)

Dr. Laurie A. Miller is the associate dean of undergraduate programs and curriculum. In this role, she manages the undergraduate business programs ranked among the top 35 public schools by U.S. News & World Report.

As associate professor of practice of economics, she served as a Secrest Teaching Fellow and member of several department and college committees. She earned multiple teaching awards including Certificates of Recognition for Contributions to Students and the College of Business Excellence in Teaching Award. Before joining the faculty at Nebraska, Miller served an economics instructor at University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh for three years.

Her primary research interests are in labor economics and applied microeconomics. Miller has published research in Review of Economics of the Household, International Journal of Manpower, British Journal of Industrial Relations, The Manchester School, Empirical Economics and Environmental Studies and Sciences. This research explored workplace stress, workers’ job satisfaction, the effect of flexible working arrangements on the U.S. workforce, the impact on employees of family friendly policies such as financial support and family leave for caregivers, and wages and wage dispersion, among other topics.

Miller received her Ph.D. and master's degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Connect with Laurie on LinkedIn

Dino Villegas, Ph.D. 

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Professor of Practice (Texas Tech University)

Dino Villegas currently serves as associate dean of undergraduate programs and an associate professor of practice in marketing at The Rawls College Of Business, Texas Tech University.

During his term at Texas Tech, he has represented the University at committees at the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and served is multiple committees at the area, college and university levels. He also serves in the Hispanic As A Serving Institution (HSI) Committee.

Villegas has been published in academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing Management (JMM) and the Journal of Product and Brand Management (JPBM), is the author of the textbook Integrated Marketing Communications (2 editions) and has been quoted in Forbes, CMS Wire, the Daily Marketing Hub and others. He also is the vice president of the Iberoamerican Communication Strategies Forum (FISEC), a research group that brings together academics from over 20 countries.

Villegas' research interest focuses on online communities in social media, with a special interest in understanding the cultural, interaction and symbolic elements from a brand and consumer perspective. Some of his latest research explores Hispanic marketing in Facebook and the use of netnography and autonetnography in the political field.

Before joining the Raw Rawls College Of Business, Villegas had more than 15 years of experience as a consultant working in different industries.

Connect with Dino on LinkedIn

Jaime B. Windeler, Ph.D. 

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Student Experience and Associate Professor

Jaime B. Windeler is Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Student Experience and an Associate Professor of Operations, Business Analytics and Information Systems in the Carl H. Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Arkansas. Jaime’s research focuses on IT-mediated collaboration, particularly in teams and collectives.

She also studies the attraction, selection, motivation, and retention of IT personnel. Across both of these broad areas, she explores issues of social diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Jaime’s research is published or forthcoming in premier outlets such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Production and Operations Management, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior, among others. She is an associate editor at MIS Quarterly and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. She was awarded the 2017 AIS Early Career Award.

Connect with Jaime on LinkedIn

Chris Parrish

Co-Founder & President of Partnerships, Podium Education 

Chris Parrish is Co-founder and President of Partnerships at the leading experiential learning company, Podium Education. At Podium, Chris led the launch of The Global Tech Experience, an industry redefining digital program that enables students to build skills and experience by working on projects directly with organizations like Netflix, The Grammy’s and charity:water. Podium currently partners with 55 universities across the world and will support 10,000 students in 2023. His work has been featured in Forbes, InsideHigherEd and TechCrunch. Chris and Podium are based in Austin, TX.

Connect with Chris on LinkedIn

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